sexta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2005
Glaxo pressiona G7 sobre patentes

Glaxo agarrada às patentes...
Reuters 04.02.05
GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Europe's biggest drugmaker, called on Friday for Britain to use its presidency of the G7 to ensure the world's emerging economic powerhouses respect patents and clamp down on counterfeiting.
"Globally, the UK must work to deliver a level playing field by demanding respect for intellectual property rights in the countries that benefit the most from globalisation -- India, China, Brazil," Chief Executive Jean-Pierre Garnier said.
Speaking at a conference hosted by British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, Garnier said India and China had both made progress in introducing legislation protecting intellectual property but there was along way to go.
China's patent process still took too long, enforcement was a problem and counterfeiting widespread, he said. India has made more progress by introducing a patent regime from the start of this year. However, Garnier said Western drug companies wanted more assurances concerning the exclusivity of data generated in developing new drugs.
GSK has already signed a research collaboration deal with leading Indian pharmaceutical group Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd and other global drugmakers are also stepping up their activities in the country.