terça-feira, março 27, 2007


The International Network Of People Who Use Drugs goes online!

User Activists,
We're proud to present to you Inpud's new website:

The Inpud.org website is a User Activist communication platform. The website is a tool that will enable us to raise our voices as citizens, establish our rights and reclaim the right to be our own spokespersons striving for self-representation and self-empowerment. The Inpud website is a constant work in progress. We'll adapt it to our needs as Activists and Peer Supporters.
We'll use the site to shout out that we exist and we'll use it to get what we strive for.
At this moment the site has latest Inpud News and recent calls for Activists to be active. Check out the site and look around what's in there, or what's not in there. And let us know what you think. If you encounter any errors, let us know!

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