quarta-feira, junho 28, 2006

Apoiemos UNITAID


A new initiative on the part of the international community
- launched by Brazil, Chile, Norway and France, supported by about 40 other countries and many partners: international organisations, non-governmental organisations, private foundations;

- based on a new idea: the international air-ticket solidarity levy, a long-term, guaranteed and predictable resource with solid perspectives for growth. Initiated by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and French President Jacques Chirac and adopted at the Paris Conference on Innovative Financing for Development on 28 February and 1 March 2006, this levy is set to be implemented in 14 countries (Brazil, Chile, Congo, Cyprus, Gabon, Ivory Coast, France, Jordan, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mauritius, Nicaragua, Norway and the United Kingdom) and will be supported by multi-year budgetary assistance from other countries.

This funding mechanism should better respond to the specific needs of the developing countries in terms of production volume, price level and drug suitability. It is also designed to reassure the national authorities of these countries with regard to the long-term ability of the international community to provide sustainable financing for health care programmes and thereby to launch large-scale programmes aimed, in the case of AIDS in particular, at approaching the goal of universal access in 2010, as endorsed by the United Nations Millennium + 5 Summit in September 2005.

- complementarity of action on the part of international organisations or existing instruments, such as the WHO, UNAIDS, UNICEF and the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Malaria and Tuberculosis, UNITAID/IDPF does not intend to replace any of the existing organisations that help facilitate developing country access to drugs. To deploy its activities without setting up a new bureaucracy, while reducing the risk of duplication, UNITAID/IDPF plans to forge partnerships with existing bodies and initiatives.

The governance and operation of UNITAID/IDPF will be defined following broad consultations with the players concerned as well as NGOs and civil society.

A new instrument for development
- to fight the three major diseases (HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis)
- to provide a stable and continuous source of financing to boost public health systems in developing countries
- to facilitate poor people’s access to drugs

A socially-minded approach:
By supporting UNITAID, I am helping fight disease everywhere in the world and especially helping the poorest children.

UNITAID united to treat those in need!

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